Sathish Sports Academy
Sathish Sports Academy- SSA- is a unique institution that aims to groom the budding sportsperson irrespective of caste, creed, religion and gender. The Academy ensures optimum training by providing the budding Sports aspirants with state of the art infrastructure, equipment, and coaching support. Apart from promoting sports, SSA also seeks to reinforce the idea that not only academics but Sports also forms an indispensable part of Education. The Academy believes in fostering and honing the Sports aspirations of both the students as well as the trainers. SSA looks to galvanise its enthusiastic members to excel at both National and International levels and render them competent for employment/ optimum performance in India and abroad.

Welcome to Sathish Sports Academy

on a surface with Roller Skates. Children usually enjoy this sport
to the hilt. Skating has often evolved into a mode of transportation too.
Skates generally come in 3 basic varieties: Quad roller skates,
In-line skates/blades and tri-skates.

Today, football is played at a professional level all over the world.
Football has evolved to be a much loved and followed sport in India too.

wholesome training to ensure resilience against disease in all circumstances.
In order to maintain health and fitness, one needs to work out regularly
with discipline under the guidance of qualified trainers. For the body,
mind and soul to thrive, the individual should strive from the moment
of birth till the last breath.

important part of the culture of India. England settlers in India
introduced Cricket to India during the 18th century and the army
helped to popularise it. The first Cricket club was the Oriental
Cricket Club established by the Parsi Community in Bombay in 1848.